

  • 喜剧片横冲直撞好莱坞

    主演:赵薇 黄晓明 佟大为 黎一墨 姜成镐 西蒙·赫尔伯格 凯特·戴琳斯 罗伯特·帕特里克 斯蒂芬·托布罗斯基 瑞斯·考罗 米西·派勒 瑞克·福克斯 丽贝卡·奥莱伊尼恰克 艾丽西娅·维拉-贝利 布莱恩·史密斯 帕维什·齐纳 奥马尔·J·多尔西 布里奇特·莱利 


    简介:何宇明(黄晓明 饰)一心扑在工作上,只希望能存够了钱,迎娶身在洛杉矶的女友,然而,让他没有想到的是,痴心付出等来的却是女友决定同他分手的消息。怎么也想不通的何宇明决定远赴洛杉矶,找女友当面问个清楚。就这样,他加入了名为“好莱坞冒险之旅”的旅行团。  途中,何宇明结识了名叫方大伟(佟大为 饰)的骨灰级影迷和旅行团的导游赵薇薇(赵薇 饰),表面上相处融洽的三人并不知道的是,从他们加入旅行团的那一刻起,就已经被卷入了一场阴谋之中。电光火石之间,三人从碌碌无名的小卒,一下子变为了警方跨国追捕的走私通缉犯,他们展开了逃亡行动,并发誓要找出事件的真相。

  • 欧美综艺极速前进 第七季

    主演:罗布·马里亚诺 布莱恩·史密斯 安珀·马里亚诺 


    简介:The Amazing Race 7 was the seventh installment of the popular reality television show, The Amazing Race. This installment ran from March 1, 2005 to May 10, 2005.                                                                    Filming began on November 20, 2004 and finished on December 19, 2004.                                                                    In this edition of the race, a change was made to the non-elimination leg penalty. In addition to being stripped of all their money and receiving no allowance for the next leg of the race, teams were forced to surrender all of their possessions, except for their passports and the clothes they were wearing, for the remainder of the race. (This penalty came to be referred to as "mugging" by fans.) They were also no longer allowed to beg for money prior to the start of the next leg (after the next leg started, they can beg for money). The racers could also receive or buy clothing or toiletries from other teams.                                                                    In September 2005, Season 7 won a Primetime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Reality-Competition Program", the third consecutive award for the television series. Although Seasons 5 and 6 were also eligible, producers chose Season 7 since it was the most recent installment of the show.              汉语词典给力版;                                                      The DVD for Season 7 was released on December 20, 2005.                                                                    Episode titles are often taken from quotes made by the racers.                                                                    1.Courteous? This is a Race! – Megan                   &n天空影院手机免费观看bsp;                                                2.The Whole Country Hates Me – Lynn                                                                    3.Do You Need Some Mouth-to-Mouth 4.Resuscitation? – Gretchen                                                                    5.What A Gaucho You Are! – Gretchen                                                                    6.I've Been Wanting A Face-Lift for A Long 7.Time – Gretchen                                                                    8.Houston, We Have An Elephant – Uchenna                                                                    9.They Saved The Eyeball – Gretchen                                                                    10.Mow 'Em Down Like Grass – Ron                                                                    11.We Have A Bad Elephant – Gretchen                                                                    12.We Got a Gnome! We Got a Gnome! – Joyce                                                                    13.The Devil Made Me Do It – Kelly               &幸福保卫战在线观看amp;nbsp;                                                    14.Five Continents, 25 Cities, And More 15.Than 40,000 Miles – Phil Keoghan

  • 喜剧片101忠狗续集:伦敦大冒险



    简介:  帕奇(巴比·洛克伍德 Bobby Lockwood 配音)和家人伙伴们来到了车水马龙的繁华大都市伦敦,这里的一切都令帕奇感到新奇无比,在不知不觉中,帕奇竟然和家人们走散了,它很快就被淹没在了川流不息的车流和人流之中。                                                                      在伦敦,孤身一人的帕奇遇见了名为雷电(巴瑞·波斯威克 Barry Bostwick 饰)的狗狗,这可乐坏了帕奇,因为雷电是经常在电视上出现,风靡全球的明星狗狗,两只狗很快就成为了好友,结伴而行。在经历了上一次的失败后,贪婪而又邪恶的克鲁拉(苏珊·布莱克利 Susan Blakely 饰)并没有放弃她的阴谋,这一次,她联手名为拉斯(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 饰)的艺术家,企图用斑点狗的皮来制作艺术作品。

  • 喜剧片丹尼·科林斯

    主演:阿尔·帕西诺 安妮特·贝宁 詹妮弗·加纳 鲍比·坎纳瓦尔 克里斯托弗·普卢默 梅莉莎·班诺伊 乔希·佩克 阿尔蒂·曼 卡塔莉娜·凯斯 安妮·麦克代尼尔斯 吉塞尔·艾森伯格 迈克尔·帕特里克·麦克吉尔 埃里克·兰格 布莱恩·史密斯 卡桑德拉·斯塔尔 


    简介:1970年代传奇摇滚乐手丹尼柯林斯(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)在经历人生低潮时,经纪人(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)发现了一封40年来从未送达的信,这封信居然来自披头士主唱约翰·列侬,在40年前写给当时19岁的他,这让他再度受到启发,毅然决然地离开现在奢华的生活,踏上寻找生命意义的旅程,而他也在这段旅程中收获了真爱和消失已久的创作灵感……

  • 综艺极速前进 第七季

    主演:罗布·马里亚诺 布莱恩·史密斯 安珀·马里亚诺 


    简介:The Amazing Race 7 was the seventh installment of the popular reality television show, The Amazing Race. This installment ran from March 1, 2005 to May 10, 2005.                                                                    Filming began on November 20, 2004 and finished on December 19, 2004.                                                                    In this edition of the race, a change was made to the non-elimination leg penalty. In addition to being stripped of all their money and receiving no allowance for the next leg of the race, teams were forced to surrender all of their possessions, except for their passports and the clothes they were wearing, for the remainder of the race. (This penalty came to be referred to as "mugging" by fans.) They were also no longer allowed to beg for money prior to the start of the next leg (after the next leg started, they can beg for money). The racers could also receive or buy clothing or toiletries from other teams.                                                                    In September 2005, Season 7 won a Primetime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Reality-Competition Program", the third consecutive award for the television series. Although Seasons 5 and 6 were also eligible, producers chose Season 7 since it was the most recent installment of the show.                                                                    The DVD for Season 7 was released on December 20, 2005.                                                                    Episode titles are often taken from quotes made by the racers.                                                                    1.Courteous? This is a Race! – Megan                                                                    2.The Whole Country Hates Me – Lynn                                                                    3.Do You Need Some Mouth-to-Mouth 4.Resuscitation? – Gretchen                                                                    5.What A Gaucho You Are! – Gretchen                                                                    6.I've Been Wanting A Face-Lift for A Long 7.Time – Gretchen                                                                    8.Houston, We Have An Elephant – Uchenna                                                                    9.They Saved The Eyeball – Gretchen                                                                    10.Mow 'Em Down Like Grass – Ron                                                                    11.We Have A Bad Elephant – Gretchen                                                                    12.We Got a Gnome! We Got a Gnome! – Joyce                                                                    13.The Devil Made Me Do It – Kelly                                                                    14.Five Continents, 25 Cities, And More 15.Than 40,000 Miles – Phil Keoghan

  • 欧美剧厨艺大师(美版)第三季

    主演:格雷厄姆·艾略特 乔·巴斯提亚尼齐 戈登·拉姆齐 


    简介:这里汇聚了全美国最优秀的业余厨师,他们没有接受过系统的训练,亦无在高级餐厅工作的经验,他们是全职妈妈或是单亲母亲,是前篮球运动员或是杂志摄影师,他们是在大街上和你擦肩而过的任何一个平凡的陌生人,然而,一旦进入厨房,那里便成为了这些人挥洒汗水释放激情的圣殿。   这些人所要面对的,是三位行业内的顶级人物,拥有十四颗米其林星的地狱厨师戈登·拉姆齐、美国最年轻的四星级厨师格雷厄姆·艾略特,以及同时拥有二十间全美最佳餐厅的乔·巴斯提亚尼齐。在三位名厨严格又尽心的教导之下,这些对于烹饪充满了热情的业余厨师们能否打败强大的竞争者,触摸属于自己的梦想呢?



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